Trading a better future for you

Enter the Market with Equities Investment

Get the most out of your trading experience using our technologically advanced trading platform, highly experienced team members, low fees, and spreads.

Why Choose Equities Investment

With a global presence, and support in 5 different languages, Equities Investment puts easy trading at your fingertips - wherever in the world you might be.
Trade with peace of mind with round-the-clock customer support dedicated to helping you find solutions.
Equities Investment uses the most secured web options in the world, to insure your funds are held in a segregated account for your protection.
Equities Investment uses a No Dealing Desk model and works with major liquidity providers to keep our spreads at industry-leading lows. This can go as low as 0.0 pips in times of high liquidity.
We continuously invest in the latest and best technology to ensure not just fast, but robust execution. Our incidence of slippage and requotes have only gone down over the years, and Equities Investment now has some of the best rates in the world.
  • Localised Support

    With a global presence, and support in 5 different languages, Equities Investment puts easy trading at your fingertips - wherever in the world you might be.
  • 24/5 Customer Support

    Trade with peace of mind with round-the-clock customer support dedicated to helping you find solutions.
  • Highest Security Standard

    Equities Investment uses the most secured web options in the world, to insure your funds are held in a segregated account for your protection.
  • Low Spreads

    Equities Investment uses a No Dealing Desk model and works with major liquidity providers to keep our spreads at industry-leading lows. This can go as low as 0.0 pips in times of high liquidity.
  • Speedy Execution

    We continuously invest in the latest and best technology to ensure not just fast, but robust execution. Our incidence of slippage and requotes have only gone down over the years, and Equities Investment now has some of the best rates in the world.

Trading at Your Fingertips

Get the most out of your trading experience using our technologically advanced trading platform, highly experienced
team members, and our low fees and spreads.

  • 24/7 Trading
  • Web Trader
  • Wide range of assets
  • 24/6 support

Taking Off With Equities Investment

Want to start receiving alerts and not miss any trading opportunities? Follow the few simple steps below to start using Autochartist on the Equities Investment platform.

  • Open an Equities Investment Live Account
  • Fund Your Account
  • Contact Your account manager to start trading

Contact Us Anytime

Our support teams are here to assist you with any questions or requests you might have.

UK +44 2036683356

BE +32 12281012


[email protected]

*By submitting the form, you agree to receive marketing emails or messages from us. You may unsubscribe at any time. All trading carries risk. Please read the Terms and Conditions of Equities Investment and Risk Disclosure.

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